Apple Bloom's Talent

Okay, this doesn't belong to me, but I found it at I just had to.

Apple Bloom's Talent

I used to be a regular pegasister. I watched my little pony, owned some of the merchandise and even made some fanart. However, I was terrified to see that Lauren Faust's mind is a lot more of a darker place than it seems.
I was looking through files on my computer, and I noticed a file called "appletalent.avi". Wondering what the everlovin' frick it was, I opened the file. Terrible mistake.
The video started with Sweetie Belle playing and frolicking about, until Apple Bloom called her name, telling her that something cool was in the shed. Thinking that Apple Bloom had found her cutie mark, Sweetie Belle raced into the shed. The reality, though, was horrifying.
Scootaloo was dead, their guts strewn all over the shed floor. One of her eyes was missing, and their wings were gone. Apple Bloom had gouged out both of her eyes, and replaced one with Scootaloo's eye. She had also stitched on Scootaloo's wings, and had a bloodied knife in her mouth.
Once Sweetie Belle examined the shed, she immediately broke out in tears. Sweetie Belle tried to run, but Apple Bloom held down her tail. "Don't worry, Sweetie. It'll only hurt for a second." Apple Bloom said to Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle struggled to run, until she broke free, a lock of her tail being ripped off. She tried to open the door, but she realized it had been locked. Apple Bloom pinned Sweetie Belle down and swung her knife. Sweetie Belle's horn was chopped off, blood flying and flowing everywhere. Sweetie Belle let out a scream of agony. Apple Bloom then stuck her knife right by her eye, and gouged it out. But before Sweetie Belle could scream, Apple Bloom cut out her tongue. Sweetie Belle's mouth was filling up with blood, it flowing out of her mouth. Apple Bloom tried to stab her in the chest, but however.
"SWEETIE BELLE!" Rarity screamed. Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were right next to each other. Rainbow Dash was crying hysterically, Rarity was running straight toward Sweetie Belle, and Applejack was furious. Rarity carried Sweetie Belle over to Applejack, while Applejack yelled at Apple Bloom, fuming. Sweetie Belle was unconscious as Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash raced out of the shed. Applejack was carrying Sweetie Belle on her back. "Sweetie, red isn't your color." Rarity said, tears in her eyes.
The episode ends with a three panel scene. The first one was Rarity looking at Sweetie Belle in her hospital bed. The second was was Rainbow Dash crying at Scootaloo's grave. And last, but not least, Apple bloom in a straitjacket at a mental asylum, the wings removed and Scootaloo's eye removed. It started to zoom in on Apple Bloom's panel, and when it covered up the whole screen, Apple Bloom started to laugh. The episode then ended.
I was horrified, disgusted and confused at the same time. Why would Lauren Faust do this?! I decided to message her.
When I recapped the episode, Lauren Faust started to cry. She confessed that this was going to be a Halloween episode, but it was scrapped for Luna Eclipsed. I decided to never watch My Little Pony ever again...
The original is here: